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STUBE Nord: Weekend-Seminar in Cooperation with STUBE Ost Social inequality is not fair! Social Structures and Distribution of Wealth in Germany and worldwide
STUBE Nord: Weekend-Seminar in Cooperation with STUBE Ost Social inequality is not fair! Social Structures and Distribution of Wealth in Germany and worldwide
STUBE Hamburg Seminar Social inequality  2024 Diakonie Hamburg

STUBE Nord: Weekend-Seminar in Cooperation with STUBE Ost Social inequality is not fair! Social Structures and Distribution of Wealth in Germany and worldwide

12. Apr. 2024 - 14. Apr. 2024
Marianne Rennberger - STUBE Nord
Europäische Jugendbildungs- & Jugendbegegnungsstätte Weimar (EJBW)
Jenaer Str. 2/4
Lise-Meitner-Straße 9
99425 Weimar


STUBE Hamburg Seminar Social inequality  2024 Diakonie Hamburg

The gap between rich and poor is widening - not just in Germany, but worldwide. How is it possible that the number of people affected by poverty is rising again, while only a few seem to benefit from wealth and power? In this seminar, we want to address topics such as classism, work and exploitation and ask questions about the distribution of wealth as well as historical responsibility.

Location: Europäische Jugendbildungs- & Jugendbegegnungsstätte Weimar (EJBW), Jenaer Str. 2/4, 99425 Weimar

departure date: Friday 12. April 2024  DB-Train 09.19 a.m.(Hamburg main railway-station)

return journey: Sunday, 14. April arrivel time Hamburg 06:30 p.m.

Participation Fee: 15 Euro

(Costs for the DB train ticket, food and overnight stay are covered by STUBE Nord)

Seminar language: English

Registration: please send an E-Mail to: rennberger@diakonie-hamburg.de

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